Usha Electronics Usha Electronics 1st Floor, Dongre Bldg., India. Importers and Exporters
Usha Electronics

Usha Electronics


Usha Electronics

  1st Floor, Dongre Bldg.,
  384,lamington Road
  Country: India
  Telephone: 3889231
  Fax: N/A


Top Import Product Information of Usha Electronics

HS CodeProduct Description
84138200 Gas Generators: Flr-5 Fog Liqu 
84243000 Gas Generators :vivid Fog Mach 
85182200 Swa 1501 Subwoofer 230 V (speaker) 
85199910 Dual Cd Player W . Anti Shock- S650mkii 

Import Shipment database details of Usha Electronics

DateHS CodeDescriptionIndia PortForeign PortForeign CountryQuantityUnit of Quantity
13-2-200384138200 Gas Generators: Flr-5 Fog Liqu Bombay Sea Taiwan India 40 Pcs 
25-6-200384243000 Gas Generators :vivid Fog Mach Bombay Sea Taiwan India 1 Pcs 
27-11-200385182200 Swa 1501 Subwoofer Speaker 23 Bombay Sea United States India 6 Pcs 
22-3-200385182200 Swa 1501 Subwoofer 230 V (speaker) Bombay Sea Italy India 10 Pcs 
20-2-200485182200 Swa 4501-subwoofer Speaker 230 Bombay Sea China India 6 Pcs 
17-9-200385199910 Dual Cd Player- 230v (cdx-60 Bombay Sea Taiwan India 64 Pcs 
04-3-200385199910 Dual Cd Player W . Anti Shock- S650mkii Bombay Air Ewr India 4 Pcs 

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