Suraksh Enterprises Suraksh Enterprises B8 Ellora, India. Importers and Exporters
Suraksh Enterprises

Suraksh Enterprises


Suraksh Enterprises

  B8 Ellora,
  Radhasami Road
  Country: India
  Telephone: 7471275
  Fax: N/A


Top Import Product Information of Suraksh Enterprises

HS CodeProduct Description
85044010 Invere Hfp200 230mma /tig Hf (welding Machine) 
85153910 Power Tig 1665 Dc Hf 230v 50 60 Hz (welding Machine ) 

Import Shipment database details of Suraksh Enterprises

DateHS CodeDescriptionIndia PortForeign PortForeign CountryQuantityUnit of Quantity
01-10-200385044010 Invere Hfp200 230mma /tig Hf (welding Machine) Bombay Air Italy India 1 Set 
24-12-200485153910 Power Tig 1665 Dc Hf 230v 50 60 Hz (welding Machine ) Bombay Air Brugnera India 3 Set 

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