Seema Intermet (p)ltd Seema Intermet (p)ltd 42/46,mugbhat Lane, India. Importers and Exporters
Seema Intermet (p)ltd

Seema Intermet (p)ltd


Seema Intermet (p)ltd

  42/46,mugbhat Lane,
  Country: India
  Telephone: 3867476/3806743
  Fax: N/A


Top Import Product Information of Seema Intermet (p)ltd

HS CodeProduct Description
74032290 Nickel Silver Scrap Malic As Per Isri Spec. 
74040022 Nickel Silver Scrap Malic As Per Isri Spec. 
79020010 Zinc Dross Shelf 
79020090 Zinc Dross As Per Isri Specifications Shelf 

Import Shipment database details of Seema Intermet (p)ltd

DateHS CodeDescriptionIndia PortForeign PortForeign CountryQuantityUnit of Quantity
30-4-200374032290 Nickel Silver Scrap Malic As Per Isri Spec. Jnpt South Africa India 7 Mts 
19-11-200374040022 Nickel Silver Scrap Malic As Per Isri Spec. Jnpt Switzerland India 18 Mts 
13-1-200474040022 Nickel Silver Scrap Malic Jnpt United States India 18 Mts 
17-10-200379020010 Zinc Dross Shelf Jnpt Israel India 22 Mts 
29-4-200379020090 Zinc Dross Shelf As Per Isri Spec. Jnpt United Kingdom India 25 Kgs 
23-4-200379020090 Zinc Dross As Per Isri Specifications Shelf Jnpt Israel India 26 Mts 

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