Polyols Polymers Polyols Polymers C-1/ 58-59, 100 Shed Area G.i.d.c. India. Importers and Exporters
Polyols Polymers

Polyols Polymers


Polyols Polymers

  C-1/ 58-59, 100 Shed Area G.i.d.c.
  Vapi Gujarat
  Country: India
  Telephone: 2431237 2452108
  Fax: N/A


Top Export Product Information of Polyols Polymers

HS CodeProduct Description
39094040 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-97 
39094090 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-94 
47069200 Maleic Resin (trade Name - Polytone M-13 5) 

Export Shipment database details of Polyols Polymers

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
12-1-2004 39094040 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-97 Jnpt Bangkok Thailand 3000  Kgs 
09-3-2004 39094040 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-97 Jnpt Hamburg Fr Germany 500  Kgs 
13-2-2004 39094090 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-97 H-319 Jnpt Bangkok Thailand 6000  Kgs 
10-2-2004 39094090 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-96 Jnpt Pyraeus  15000  Kgs 
05-3-2004 39094090 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-97 Jnpt Kaohsiung Taiwan 2000  Kgs 
02-3-2004 39094090 Synthetic Ketonic Resin Polytone K-94 Jnpt Hamburg Fr Germany 18000  Kgs 
29-12-2004 47069200 Maleic Resin (trade Name - Polytone M-13 5) Bombay Air Dubai United Arab Emirates 25  Kgs 

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