M/s Hindustan Opticals

M/s Hindustan Opticals


M/s Hindustan Opticals

  22, Lytton Road,
  Country: India
  Telephone: 654530
  Fax: -652606


Top Import Product Information of M/s Hindustan Opticals

HS CodeProduct Description
70169000 Optical Glass E-lac8 360x120x20mm 

Import Shipment database details of M/s Hindustan Opticals

DateHS CodeDescriptionIndia PortForeign PortForeign CountryQuantityUnit of Quantity
25-6-200470169000 Optical Glass E-lac8 360x120x20mm Delhi Air Chengdu India 59 Kgs 
10-12-200470169000 Optical Strip Glass Type Edf699301a (sf15)350x230mm Ct 40-45mm Delhi Ppg Icd Z India 788 Kgs 

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