Deen Dayal Carpets Deen Dayal Carpets Jamunipur India. Importers and Exporters
Deen Dayal Carpets

Deen Dayal Carpets


Deen Dayal Carpets

  Country: India
  Telephone: 05414-225111
  Fax: N/A


Top Export Product Information of Deen Dayal Carpets

HS CodeProduct Description
57011000 Indian Handknotted Woollen Carpets 
57023110 Indian Handknotted Woollen Carpets 
57050029 Handknotted Woollen Carpets (woollen Yarn-80% Cotton Yarn-20%) 
63024020 Handknotted Woollen Carpets (80% Woollen Yarn,20% Cotton Yarn) 

Export Shipment database details of Deen Dayal Carpets

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
11-6-2004 57011000 Indian Handknotted Woollen Carpets Delhi Air Dallas United States 72  Sqf 
28-2-2004 57023110 Indian Handknotted Woollen Carpets Jnpt Dallas Usa 3871  Sqf 
06-7-2004 57050029 Handknotted Woollen Carpets (woollen Yarn-80% Cotton Yarn-20%) Delhi Air Dallas United States 2738  Sqf 
20-9-2004 63024020 Handknotted Woollen Carpets (80% Woollen Yarn,20% Cotton Yarn) Delhi Air Dallas United States 6040  Sqf 

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